Our 招生大使 (SRAs) are here to give you the inside scoop about life at Trinity! 从参观校园到联系未来的学生, our SRAs are excited to share what they love most about the unique qualities of our campus.

联系麦琪! 麦琪·阿马拉尔,24届毕业生
家乡: 彭宁顿新泽西
专业: 美国研究和西班牙研究
有趣的事实: 我小时候养过两只山羊,分别叫花生酱和果冻!
为什么三位一体: Trinity is a place where I can explore my academic interests and discover new passions!
与斯特拉联系! 斯特拉·奥斯汀,26届毕业生
家乡: 利特尔顿马
专业: 心理学与社会学
有趣的事实: 我懂美国手语!
为什么三位一体: I chose 全球十大网赌正规平台 because it offers a wide range of academic programs, 一个支持性社区, 以及个人成长的机会. +, being in 哈特福德 allows me to experience a vibrant city while still having a close-knit college atmosphere.
连接艾美! 艾米·巴里,27届毕业生
家乡: 斯普林菲尔德,
主要: 国际研究
有趣的事实: 我有一个双胞胎兄弟.
为什么三位一体: The opportunities to balance my academics with extracurriculars, and the ability to do research.
连接萨凡纳! 萨凡纳·布鲁克斯,26届毕业生
家乡: 马里兰州Crofton
主要: 历史
有趣的事实: 我能按顺序说出所有总统的名字!
为什么三位一体: I chose Trinity because I wanted a small liberal arts school with a strong humanities focus in an urban setting. 全球十大网赌正规平台还给了我一大笔奖学金. 哈特福德 is a wonderful city and I knew I needed somewhere with plenty of snow in the winter!
与Francois联系! 弗朗索瓦·卡普·伊莱亚斯,26届毕业生
家乡: 萨尔瓦多的Metapan
主要: 计算机科学
有趣的事实: 我喜欢足球! 事实上,我还收藏了足球服!
为什么三位一体:  I wanted a college that would let me explore things and make me step out of my comfort zone, 全球十大网赌正规平台是我挑战自我的好地方!
与Rhiju联系! Rhiju Chakraborty, 27届毕业生
家乡: 密歇根州安娜堡
主要: 未申报(生物及英语)
有趣的事实: 我写了一本书!
为什么三位一体: The interdisciplinary approach to academics is perfect for someone like me who doesn’t like to be boxed in and has several interests.
与克里斯托弗联系! 克里斯托弗·德尔·克里斯多,25届毕业生
家乡: Clarksburg,新泽西
主要: 意大利研究
有趣的事实: 我会说意大利语!
为什么三位一体: 我选择全球十大网赌正规平台是因为它的学术水平很高, 优秀的善良通过了每个人的录取过程, and the ability to thrive in the classroom while still filling other major roles on campus.
与坦纳联系! 坦纳·埃克莱斯顿,25届毕业生
家乡: Pottstown,爸爸
主要: 心理学
有趣的事实: 泰勒·斯威夫特是我的中学同学!
为什么三位一体: I wanted to a small school with lots of opportunity in a city like 哈特福德!
和艾米丽联系! 艾米丽·福克斯,26届毕业生
家乡: 洛杉矶,加州
主要: 公共政策 & 法律
有趣的事实: 我出生在英国伦敦.
为什么三位一体: What drew me to Trinity was how students are encouraged by professors to explore as many subject areas as they want, 而不是把他们的研究局限在一个领域. I was able to take courses across multiple departments until I was able to find a field I am really passionate about.
联系卡洛琳! 卡罗琳·弗雷德里克,24届毕业生
家乡: 肯塔基州路易斯维尔市
主要: 剧院 & 跳舞
有趣的事实: I hosted an exchange student from the Netherlands my junior year of high school.
为什么三位一体: I chose Trinity because of its unique positionality as a liberal arts college within a city. I felt there would be learning opportunities here that I wouldn’t be able to experience elsewhere.
与诺艾尔联系! 诺艾尔·汉森,26届毕业生
家乡: 纽约州,纽约
主要: 公共政策 & 法律
有趣的事实: 我爱R&B & 说唱音乐,我最喜欢的艺术家是SZA和J.科尔!
为什么三位一体: I chose Trinity because I love the diversity and inclusion as well as the very welcoming community it offers! 也因为他们有很好的公共政策和法律课程!
与安东尼娅联系! Antonia Kambolis, 26届毕业生
家乡: 西奥兰治,新泽西州
主要: 政治科学
有趣的事实: 我是天秤座.
为什么三位一体: I wanted a small school with great academics and a vibrant social environment. 当我去参观的时候,我觉得这就是适合我的地方!
与奥利维亚联系! 奥利维亚·基里亚基德斯,26届毕业生
家乡: 克斯伯里,马
专业: 经济学与政治学
有趣的事实: 我最喜欢做的事情是打高尔夫球,和我的狗巴斯一起去海滩!
为什么三位一体: 我姐姐于2021年从全球十大网赌正规平台毕业. 在全球十大网赌正规平台的时候, I would visit often and hear stories about her and her friends’ experiences on campus. 当我申请学校的时候, I thought back to all that they shared with me and could really imagine myself as a Trinity student!
与达芙妮联系! 达芙妮·拉舍,25届毕业生
家乡: 加州马林县
主要: 神经科学
有趣的事实: 上个学期我在巴塞罗那留学!
为什么三位一体: I chose Trinity because the school empowers students to not only excel academically and socially, but also pushes them to grow as individuals and allows them to explore every avenue they are interested in.
与索菲亚联系! 索菲亚·洛科维奇,24届毕业生
家乡: 布拉格,捷克共和国
专业: 美国研究和宗教研究
有趣的事实: 我有潜水执照!
为什么三位一体: I wanted a smaller liberal arts school where I could get to know my professors, and have smaller seminar-based classes where I could engage in discussions with my peers. 我也很喜欢全球十大网赌正规平台的校园, 而是位于一个城市, 这样我就能两全其美了.
与戴安娜联系! 戴安娜·马丁内斯·李,24届毕业生
家乡: 圣地亚哥,加州
专业: 公共政策 & 法律与人权研究
有趣的事实: 我当了九年花样滑冰选手!
为什么三位一体: I chose 全球十大网赌正规平台 because I was impressed with how many people study away here. 我一直想出去学习, 我得到了去尼泊尔学习的机会, 约旦, 在我大三的春季学期去了智利.
与莉莉联系! 莉莉·梅利兹,26届毕业生
家乡: 吉尔福德,CT
主要: 英语
有趣的事实: 我是从中国被收养的!
为什么三位一体: I wanted to be seen and heard as a POC woman on a small liberal arts campus and I feel like Trinity’s DEI team has a stronger presence than other schools.
与Tshepo联系! Tshepo Molotja, 26届毕业生
家乡: Polokwane,林波波,南非
有趣的事实: 我会说4种语言!
为什么三位一体: 全球十大网赌正规平台是最适合我的“家外之家”选择. 它不仅提供了经济和教育保障, but it offered me so many opportunities beyond school to help cultivate me into the best version of myself and ensure a successful future post graduation.
与托马斯联系! 托马斯·穆兰,25届毕业生
家乡: 沃里克,国际扶轮
主要: 美国研究
有趣的事实: 我最喜欢的意大利面是天使的头发.
为什么三位一体: Trinity provides me the opportunity to explore all of my various educational interests without limiting me to a specific field of study.
与Halanda对接! 哈兰达·阮,26届毕业生
家乡: 丹伯里,CT
主要: 神经科学
有趣的事实: 当我3岁的时候, I memorized a book my dad would read to me for my bedtime story and tricked my entire family into thinking I knew how to read!
为什么三位一体: 我喜欢在空闲时间探索哈特福德, and being located near many amazing hospitals and research facilities allows me to have many cool research opportunities!
与Junny联系! Junny Nguyen, 26届毕业生
家乡: 胡志明市,越南
主要: 神经科学
有趣的事实: 我是韩国流行音乐的超级粉丝!
为什么三位一体: I was excited about the possibilities of majors that I can try here at Trinity from 神经科学, 从心理学到教育研究, 及宗教研究. I remember the conversation that I had with my alumni interviewer about how despite not being a dance major, 她可以在全球十大网赌正规平台上舞蹈课.
与娜塔莉联系! Natalie Oloughlin, 24届毕业生
家乡: 半月弯刀,纽约
主要: 城市研究
有趣的事实: I am a leader for the pre-orientation hiking, rock climbing, and canoeing program called Quest!
为什么三位一体: I knew from the moment I stepped on campus Trinity was the right fit for me. The academics, athletics, and opportunities have truly made my college experience.
联系汉娜! 汉娜·萨菲,26届毕业生 
家乡: 巴拉圭
主要: 计算机科学
有趣的事实: 我有一只叫奥利奥的乌龟
为什么三位一体: 我选择了全球十大网赌正规平台,因为它是我学习计算机科学专业的理想场所, 同时继续追求我对音乐的热爱, 辅修课程, 也参加俱乐部和组织!
联系克莱尔! Claire Schrecengost, 25届毕业生
为什么三一: Trinity has many communities within its walls through its clubs and tight-knit academic programs. What really stood out to me are programs that Trinity has that helps support its students, like the Emergency Equity Fund and offering free counseling to all students.
与盟友联系! 艾丽·施瓦茨伯格,25届毕业生
家乡: 新泽西州蒙特克莱尔,
专业: 心理学
有趣的事实: 高中时,我是保龄球队的队长!
为什么三位一体: Trinity is the best of everything in one small and manageable campus: smart people from around the world who think big, 还有那些非常关心你所学内容的老师!
联系索菲亚! 索菲亚·托农,26届毕业生
家乡: 巴西库里提巴
专业: 国际研究与工程
有趣的事实: 我知道如何识别天空中的行星和恒星!
为什么三位一体: 当我参观校园时, my family and I felt really welcomed by everyone and I knew I would have great support as an international student. 全球十大网赌正规平台还提供令人惊叹的文科课程, where I am able to pursue my interest both in STEM and humanities and have a really close relationships with professors!
与Himena联系! Himena Yamane, 26届毕业生
家乡: 纽约,纽约
主要: 经济学
有趣的事实: 我没有驾驶执照!
为什么三位一体: Trinity has a great campus culture and allows students to be apart of many extracurricular activities and clubs.
与比阿特丽斯联系! 碧翠丝·余,26届毕业生
家乡: 中国青岛
专业: 心理学与政治学
有趣的事实: 我有一只16磅重的猫!
为什么三位一体: I was planning to major in 政治科学 and Trinity’s location in 哈特福德, 康涅狄格州的首府, offers great internship opportunities that allow you to gain practical experiences!